MicroHelp Library Not For Examination Purposes Only TestNet Registered See Quit, Registration. Ver 2.0 [ Help ] tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt tpppt [ Answer ] [ z to Hold ] Missed Q's [ ] Tutorial On [ ] Test or Drill [ ] Break Key Disabled [ ] Random/Sequential [ ] E S T * Version 2.0 [ (c) 1989-94 by Robert Allen Hackworth ] TestNet Creating a Test How many test questions today? How many questions for a computer test or drill? Type a descriptive test name. Use no more than 8 letters. Enter q in any box to Cancel. Is this correct? Press ENTER or n HOME, END, etc. to move around. Type or skip tutorial response. (Used for computer drills.) Type answer. (The computer test will require these exact words.) Next Question: F1-F10 Quit Early? type zz, then F1-F10 g = Graphic q to [ ADD QUESTIONS ] To move around use m = Multi/Choice Quit Arrow Keys or ENTER. t = True/False Also use HOME, END c = Completion [ ] PgUp and PgDn Type or skip tutorial response. (Used for computer drills.) Type answer Press F1 to save question. Quit Early? q (on any empty line) and F1. Which test do you want? Make selection and press ENTER ESC to cancel. Ie selection ures are valid and press ENTER only if you gave the whole test ESC to cancel. and not a part of the whole. [ TestNet ] Moment Please . . . Calculating t note the above example. Type your path and press ENTER. You may create a test from an existing data base. #Which data base do you want? 0ESC to Cancel ENTER to cancel n = No Change TestNet Editor - jumps one word Home - beginning of line Ctrl Home - jumps to top Ctrl y - deletes a line Ctrl End - jumps to bottom Ctrl t - deletes a word - to quit - insert/overwrite Ctrl t -- deletes one word TestNet Help CREATE (Page 1 of 3) CREATING A NEW TEST You will be asked for three pieces of information: (1) the number of test questions, (2) the number of questions that will be presented when the test is given by the computer, and (3) the name of the test. Pick a descriptive test name. If you say you will have 100 questions and if after typing 25 Q's, you want to quit, do so. The program is smart and will adjust to the new figure of 25. Later, you can add more questions with the Edit, "Add Questions" option. TestNet provides a powerful editor. This can be used later to revise questions to make them more effective. You will create one question per screen. Then press a function key (F1-F10) and create the next question. ENTER = Next Screen ESC = End Help Qxt Screen ESC = End Help TestNet Help CREATE (Page 2 of 3) Each test question uses 11 lines, but you deal only with 9 lines. The nine lines are used as follows: (1) six lines are allowed for the question. You can jump from line to line using the up and down arrows; (2) two lines are allowed for the tutorial response; (3) one line is allowed for the answer. Remember -- whatever you type for the answer may be required to be typed exactly by the students if the test is so configured. You may or may not require capital letters in student answers. This feature is turned on using the Options Menu, Change Test Configuration. Again, questions may be multiple choice, completion, true-false. When forming questions, also move to the next line by pressing ENTER. Blank lines can be included to make the test question more readable. Again, skip lines by using either the DownArrow or the ENTER key. Type q and press any function key to quit early. Use Edit, Add Questions to add more questions later. Use the ALT key and numberic key pad to form any ASCII character. ENTER = Next Screen ESC = End Help TestNet Help Creating a Test (Page 3 of 3) CREATING A TEST FROM AN EXISTING TEST BANK You may view an existing test, one question at a time, and select questions to be included in a new test. CREATE A CLASS FILE (for ID # Testing Security) You prepare a file by typing a name and an ID number for each student. If you use this feature, students will be required to type their ID numbers before taking the test. This helps insure that the right students take the right tests. TESTS MAY HAVE VARIABLE ANSWERS y/n If you choose to configure the test this way (use Options Menu), when creating a test, on the answer line you may type several possible words which would be accepted for a right answer for a completion question. For example, if the question were, "What is the function of conjuctions in a sentence?" the possible answers typed in by the teacher might be: "join connect combine glue link." Any of these answers would be accepted by the computer during a computer administered test. The teacher could also just type part of a word. For example, if the answer were "audience," the teacher may have typed "audi." Then such student answers as: "audience audiance audiences" would be counted correct although misspelled. ENTER = Next Screen ESC = End Help TestNet Help EDIT (Page 1 of 3) DELETE SCORES, TESTS, CLASS NAME FILES With the stroke of a key, you can delete obsolete files. ADD MORE QUESTIONS TO AN EXISTING TEST Start a test with a few questions and as you have time, add some more. EDITOR (Selective Questions or Num File) Use the PageDown key to jump through your questions. The edit screen lists the keys that are helpful when editing. The random order a question is displayed during a computer-given or printed test is not the true question number. This is because TestNet mixes the order in which the questions are presented. When you use the editor to delete a question, ALSO CHANGE THE NUM FILE. Read the help screen associated with the editor to better understand the num file. EDITOR (Class File - Names/ID Numbers) Your instructions will be shown on the screen. Just remember to use six digits for the student's ID number. You can use zeros. For example, 03, etc. ENTER = Next Screen ESC = End Help TestNet Help EDIT (Page 2 of 3) EDITING WITH A WORD PROCESSOR It has not been the purpose of this software to duplicate the powerful features of a good word processor. After creating a test you may want to put it through a spell checker. To use a word processor to edit, follow these steps: 1. Load your word processor 2. Change your top, bottom, left, and right margins to 0. 3. Bring your test in as a DOS text file. This is a MUST. 4. Make your changes, MAINTAINING THE PROPER SPACING. If you do not main- tain the 11 lines per question format, the test will not run properly. 5. Save your test as a DOS text file. This is a MUST. A DOS text file is unformatted, ASCII text. The next screen explains the proper spacing. Proper spacing needs to be maintained when you are using the TestNet editor too. But with TestNet the spacing is easy to follow and observe. ENTER = Next Screen ESC = End Help TestNet Help EDIT (Page 3 of 3) MAINTAINING THE PROPER SPACING Each question takes 9 lines which you input and 2 lines which are included automatically by TestNet. The first line is a questions number. This number is entered automatically when you create your test. Line 2 is also entered automatically depending on whether the question type is t, m, c, or g. Line 2 is also used for sorting by TestNet. Lines 3 to 8 are allowed for the test question. Lines 9 and 10 are for a tutorial response if it is wanted. Line 11 is for the correct answer. This answer will be used during a computer administered test or it will be used on the answer sheet when a test is printed. If you use a word processor to edit a question, be sure NOT to make a sentence too long. Otherwise, it will NOT fit in the window designated to display the test question. Keep the length to 72 or less characters. The Enter Key (the Character Return) is needed at the end of each line. This is what separates one line from another. Always maintain 11 line per question. Often some of these lines will be blank. Again, when you load the editor, three more help screen should be read. One explains the num file and two give more information about editing. ENTER = Next Screen ESC = End Help TestNet Help Take Test (Page 1 of 1) TAKE COMPUTER TEST Once a test has been taken, the score is saved on your disk. Scores can later be examined by using the View or Print Menu. If the test does not require a student ID number, the student will be asked for his or her name and the hour he or she attends class. Once taken, a new variety of the test can be taken again. After finishing a test, the student should press y, n, or r. It is possible to review the missed questions at the end of the test. r = review; y = test again; n = quit testing. A test may be set for either Test or Drill mode. Passwords may be required per test. The teacher may allow a tutorial response to show or or not show. BY TYPING z FOR THE ANSWER, QUESTIONS CAN BE HELD AND ANSWERED AT THE END OF THE TEST. The missed questions can be reviwed at the end of the test. Use the Options Menu to change a test's configuration. ENTER = End Help TestNet Help Printer (Page 1 of 1) PRINT SCORES The printing choices work well on a Novell network. You must have printed documentation to learn how to set up this feature using SYSCON. Scores can also be printed using a macro, SORT.WPM. This file, which can be used with WordPerfect, is included on the TestNet disk. A score file has the same name as the test but has a SCR extention. For example, the score file for a test, SAWYER.TST, would be SAWYER.SCR. PRINT QUESTIONS Four choices are available for printing hard copy tests. 1. Print only selected questions. 2. Print the questions gathered in groups, that is, all the true-false, multi-choice, and completion are grouped together. 3. Print a new random selection with each printing. 4. Print the questions in sequential order. ENTER or ESC = End Help Qtions Menu, Change Test Configuration to change a test from random to sequential. ENTER or ESC = End Help TestNet Help VIEW (Page 1 of 1) SCORES ON SCREEN With the View feature you can read the scores that have been earned by various students on various tests. TEST ON SCREEN You may also sequentially scroll through the test questions for any selected test. A screen prompt tells you how to quit early. EVALUATION A OF TEST'S STRENGTHS You may see how many students took the test, what the average score was, and how many times each question was missed. The reports showing how many times each question was missed are shown in these formats: (1) with the test questions numbered sequentially, and (2) with the test questions ranked from the questions missed least to the questions missed the most. Print a hard copy of the test to use as a reference. Use PRINT SCREEN to print the evaluation charts. Please take a few minutes and get an overview of TestNet by reading all the Help Menus. Later read only selected help screens as needed. ENTER or ESC = End Help TestNet Help OPTIONS (Page 1 of 3) PASSWORD ALL PASSWORDS ARE PERSONAL PER TEACHER. Each teacher's passwords will will not interfere with another teacher. Two systems can be used: (1) passwords per test and (2) a password for the remaining menu choices. (1) Password Per Test. For example, you may have three tests in the data base. The password for the first test may be "sawyer" and the password for the second test may be "bird" and perhaps the third test has no password. To set these passwords, use the Options Menu, Password. (2) One Password for the Remaining Menu Choices. On a network, the same TestNet software serves several teachers. Yet each teacher chooses his or her own password which guards all the menu choices (except tests -- see number one (1) above). ENTER = Next Screen ESC = End Help TestNet Help OPTIONS (Page 2 of 3) NEW DATA DEFAULT DRIVE The default drive is the location of most of the EXE files. On a network these file reside on a common directory used by all teachers and students, for example, H:\APPS\TESTNET SET SCREEN COLOR Do you have a monochrome or color monitor? Make the proper choice and press ENTER. CHANGE TEST CONFIGURATION This choice breaks down to seven additional choices with settings specific for each test. You choose: (1) test or drill mode; (2) if capital letters are to be noticed by the compter; (3) the number of questions presented during a test or drill: (4) whether or not the tutorial responses will show; (5) whether or not missed questions can be reviewed; (6) if you want the Break Key to work. Turning off the break key keeps students from taking a test and then breaking out before the score is saved; (7) whether or not the test requires a student's ID number. (8) and several more choices. Use the Options Menu to see them all. ENTER = Next Screen ESC = End Help TestNet Documentation READ ME (Page 1 of 13) Study the Slide Show Demo Too Documentation is contained here AND IN THE HELP SCREENS associated with the pulldown menus. Use the PrintScreen key to print screens as needed. This software works on either a network or a single machine. List of Features 1. Specialized word processors for creating tests. 2. Tests can also be created by combining tests or by selecting questions from an existing test bank. 3. A name/student-number file can be created per class. A teacher can then require a student to type his or her number before taking the test. The student's name will be associated automatically with the test and score. 4. The teacher can choose if the students' answers must match exactly the teacher's answers, that is, variable or exact answers are possible. f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page ENTER = Next Screen ESC = End Help SHIFT/PrtScr = Print Page sSHIFT/PrtScr = Print Page Qr = Print Page TestNet Documentation 1 List of features Press a number. 2 Running on a single floppy 3 Running on a hard drive 4 Running on a Novell network To move forward 5 Printing on a network or backward, one 6 Using PURGE screen at a time, use f or b. Additional documentation is contained with each HELP f = forward section of each pulldown menu. b = backward When loading the EDITOR, vital help screens are also available. ESC to Quit Read about setting the LIB file for a network. Press ENTER to turn off GENERAL password Now is: or type a new password. Press ENTER to turn off TEST password Now is: or type a new password. [ TestNet: Combine Tests ] Your new test, 9tOOO MtOOO [ Report Card ] You answered out of Percent grade = Test again? y/n or r TestNet Please type your LAST name. Please type your FIRST name. When do you attend class? (10, 11, 12, etc.) TestNet Directories are being sorted In Drill Mode the questions are all random, never sequential. D. Do you still want to print the tagged questions? Press y/n Your test is about to be printed. If the paper is adjusted . . then . . press ENTER and let's go. Your answer sheet will be printed shortly. Adjust your paper again by placing the paper's perforation just above the print head. Press ENTER when ready. [ Question Number [ The Review Screen Tutorial Response: Answer: ENTER = Continue ESC = Quit Early t = tag question CASE SENSITIVE ANSWERS? If you used capital letters in your answers when you created the test, do you want the student's answers to also include capital letters? APPLIES ONLY TO COMPLETION Q's. [ TestNet ] Path and File Name: [ Press ENTER ] The password is [ Exact Answer Y/N [ ] [ Test or Drill T/D [ ] [ Break Key Works Y/N [ ] [ Capitalization Required Y/N [ ] [ Shows Tutorial Responses Y/N [ ] [ Missed Questions Can Be Reviewed Y/N [ ] [ To Test, a Student's ID # Is Required Y/N [ ] [ Total Q's in DBase [ ] Q's Per Test [ ] [ " Timer On Y/N [ ] [ Minutes per Test -- Valid if Timer is On [ ] [ Students May Repeat the Test Y/N [ ] [ When finished, press any function key (F1-F10). +You may pick a word for each test. 1Which Test? #Which test? Use a ow keys or first le er of menu; then pre ENTER. iated with each menu choice. *You may delete an obsolete score file from the disk. #Make Selection ESC to Cancel SDeletes a test! Are you sure? Make Selection ESC to Cancel TestNet The review option is off. Test again? y/n Mn arrows Press any function key (F1-F10) to quit. Use the arrow key to make your selection and then press ENTER. ESC to Cancel Caution! You are going to delete a test evaluation file. Make selection and pre ENTER. ESC to Cancel tpttp tpttp tpttp *This option prints the scores for the test of your choice. Make selection and pre ENTER. ESC to Cancel [ TestNet ] You can select (tag) your choice of questions for printing. 3Make selection and pre ENTER. ESC to Cancel YYou have completed the dri again? TestNet PRINTING Select 1, 2, 3, or 4 1. Only "Hand-Picked" Questions 2. Gathers Together True/False, MultiChoice, etc. 3. New Random Order For Each Printing 4. Sequential Order to Quit >Use a ow keys. -Make selection and pre ENTER. ESC to Cancel to Cancel +Which scores do you want to view? Make selection and pre ENTER ESC to Cancel Make selection and press ENTER. ESC to Cancel Your teacher has given this test a password. Type it now. ESC to Cancel [ TestNet ] RANKED Based on Times Q's Were Missed Press ENTER Qun on DecNet's Pathworks, it has been designed to run on a Novell network. TestNet can run on a single drive like A: or on a hard disk. But work towards the joys of networking. The printed documentation explains how to set up TestNet on a network. ! Press ENTER Qthe instructions on the next screen, which puts information in a file called DRIVE.BAS, you will be ready to start. To start type t and press ENTER. 5. On the next screen, you will type the directory where Test Maker will resides. This can be any location, for example, A:\> or B:\> or C:\> or C:\TESTMKR> etc. (The program can run from any drive.) ! Press ENTER *You may pick a GENERAL pa that a lies to menu choices except tests. TestNet This utility, (like TSTART.EXE), writes information to a file, DRIVE.BAS. It names the location of the EXE files. Path now is: Enter your new path: Here is a sample: C:\APPS\TESTNET\ (End with a backslash) It is unlikely you will ever need this utility. to Cancel *You may ch color or mono- chrome display. 1 = monochrome 2 = color 1 or 2 ESC to Cancel +Pick the test which you want to review. ENTER 1ESC to Cancel eclection ESC to Cancel [ TestNet ] Set up ID rolls for each In order to gain test of your classes. security and to help students accept responsibity for taking their own tests, the teacher can require students to use an ID Type the name of number. your class: The student's ID number must match the number which you place in the class data base. [ TestNet: Create Class ] ENTER = Jumps to next line CTRL END = deletes text from the position of the cursor F1-F10 = Quit Current size of Press ENTER How many ques- tions do you want to Cancel printed? [ Current order is ] Please complete everything. Press ENTER. TestNet Select the first test to combine. ! to Quit P ESC to Cancel Is this information correct? Press y/n q to quit Would you like to add another question? Press y/n TestNet Put your disk in drive A:> When ready, press ENTER. TestNet Sorry! There is a problem. Check your disk. Try again? y/n [ TestNet: Copy From A:> ] ! Working TestNet Select File Press ENTER ! to Quit [ Press Letter ] g = Graphic [ CREATE TEST ] Use arrows or ENTER m = Multi/Choice Quit to move around. t = True/False Also use HOME, END c = Completion [ ] PgUp and PgDn. Type or skip tutorial response. (Used for computer drills.) Type answer. Next Question: F1-F10 puter test will require these exact words.) Next Question: F1-F10 Quit Early? type q then F1-F10 tutorial response. (Used for computer drill Also use HOME, END PgUp and PgDn. ox), that is, t or m or c, do not complete line 1 of the box numbered 1-6. Press ENTER and skip to line 2. TMaker automatically inserts a line which will later introduce your question. For example, if you entered "t" in the Q-Type box, line 1 would read, "Is this statement true or false? Choose t or f." The introductory line 1 does not appear on THIS screen, but it appears on a computer or printed test. If you leave the "PICK Q-TYPE" box empty, DO complete line 1 with information that explains the nature of your question. But again, if the Q-Type box is completed, TMaker over-writes line 1 even if you enter information. Bnted test. If you leave the "PICK Q-TYPE" box empty, DO complete line 1 with information Type that explains the nature of your question. But again, if the Q-Type box is completed, TMaker over-writes line 1 even if you enter information. Next computer tests and on the printed tests. Next TestNet Sorry. Your teacher wants you to take this test only once. Press ENTER Press either t or f Press a, b, c, or d etc Press m t or c ( F1-F10 Quit Early? t - Press F1-F10 to save question. # TestNet [ Report Card ] You answered out of Percent grade = Go again? (y/n) Review Missed Q's (r) Moment Please ... Kease . . . Yikes! Take Better Notes. You answered out of Percent Grade = Test Again? y/n r = Review Errors TestNet Test Again? y/n r = Review Errors You earned [ TestNet ] It may be time to burn some. Report Card 50 gallons of midnight Test Again? y/n r = review errors Master the learning game. Go for the win. Earn scores of 90% or above. Your percent score Test Again? y/n r review errors [ Library ] Too Much TV? Your Score = WORD Beware of what of you PERFECT want; you will get it. Test Again? y/n r = review errors DESK PUBLISH tptptpt ptptpt tptptpt tptptptpt tptp{tpt ptptpt tptp{ tptpt tptptp tptpt tptptpt tptpt [ Report Card ] Your test score = Test Again? y/n r = review errors "Don't give up. Just do better next time." High Scores = Good Grades Good Grades = Employment Employment = New Home Test Again? y/n r review errors [ TestNet ] [ TestNet: Combine Tests ] You will soon select the tests which you want to combine, but first, pick a NEW test name. What will be the name of the new test? Use eight letters or less. [ Error Message ] We have an error, number 53, FILE NOT FOUND. A file is needed by TestNet which is not presently available. YOU WOULD GET THIS ERROR IF YOU TRIED TO RUN A FILE WHICH IS NOT A TEST ALTHOUGH THE FILE HAS A TST EXTENSION. Each TestNet test must have a companion NUM file. Check your documentation to make sure that each of the needed files are copied to the appropriate directories. Q this directory structure: H:\APPS\TESTMKR\USERS Under the USERS sub-directory you would create a directory for each teacher. On these sub-directories you would copy the following files for each teacher. 1 BRUN45.EXE 3 TSTART.EXE 5 TSHELL.EXE 2 DRIVE.BAS 4 VERB.BAS 6 LIB.BAS Use TSTART.EXE to type the path where the EXE files are located. [ Error Message ] TestNet just updated your NUM file. This may happen when you use a new version of TestNet. Do you want to continue? y/n If you keep getting this screen, press N. Next look at your test file and see how many questions you have. Make sure the total number of questions matches the first number in the NUM file. Q to continue? y/n If you keep getting this screen, press N. Next look at your test file and see how many questions you have. Make sure the total number of questions matches the first number in the NUM file. Qfile. Use the Options Menu to update an old NUM file. Registered to: TestNet costs: Not Registered Single User - $29.95 For examination Per Network --- $295.00 purposes only. TestNet works well on a Novell network or on a single hard drive. TestNet is a companion Write to: to NewGrade, a program for Allen Hackworth managing student grades. Ricks College Grades can be transferred Rexburg, Idaho 83440 electronically. The Phone (208) 356 1480 documentation is within 356 6069 the program. See QUIT and Documentation. [ Press ENTER ] Review Screen for Missed Questions Tutorial Response: You typed ENTER = Continue ESC = Quit Early tests with only five questions. Registered version has no restrictions. TestNet Select Letter R eview Again T est Again ! to Quit Shareware version only allows five questions. Type or skip tuto lls.) To try this feature create a test with only one to three questions. Type answer. Press ENTER Press F1-F10 to save question. On the next screen, you will be shown the old questions, one at a time. Select the questions for the new test by pressing t (tag question). You will then jump to the next question. Or press ENTER to skip to the next question. When you skip to the next question by pressing the ENTER key, that question will NOT be included in the new test. What will be the name of the new test? Use eight letters or less. [ Press a letter ] t = test e = explains num s = search x = explains lib n = num file h = help l = lib file [ Esc to quit ] [ Num Help Screen ] When a test is created, a corrresponding num file is automatically created. The letters "num" stand for "number." If a test is named (sawyer.tst), then the num file is named (sawyer.num) The num file contains: (1) a count of the test questions, (2) a count of the questions presented during a computer test, (3) whether the test is presented in random or sequential order, (4) whether the test is set for drill or test mode, (5) whether the tutorial responses will show, (6) whether missed questions can be reviewed, (7) whether capitalization is required for correct answers, (8) a password if there is one, and (9) whether the break key is on or off, and several other items. This information is changed automatically as you change settings with the Options Menu; however, when using the edit utility, if you delete a question, you should change appropriately the first number in the file. For example, if the file looked like this, 100,25,"1","t", etc. and if you deleted two questions using the editor, the new file should look like this: 98,25,"1","t", etc. DON'T DELETE ANY QUOTES OR COMMAS. With Add Question under EDIT, the NUM file is updated automatically. [ Press ENTER ] Save Changes y/n Editing Help ] [ Page 1 of 2 ] The TestNet Editor can be used to edit files with three extensions: tst, num, and bas. These files are all in ASCII text and can be edited by any DOS text editor. (Read the additional help screens associated with the num and lib files.) TEST FILE: Press t to edit a test. Be sure to keep your new lines within the bounds of the edit window. The CREATE MENU puts a hard return at the end of each line. The hard return signals the end of each line (field). (The num file, however, can extend beyond the bounds of the window.) Use the EDIT MENU and Add Questions to add questions rather than this editor. NUM FILE: Press n to edit a num file. However, the num file can most easily be edited using the OPTIONS MENU and TEST CONFIGURATION. If you do use the editor, be sure to not delete any existing quote marks or commas. Also, maintain the same capitalization syle shown with the existing words. Press the letter l (not one) to edit a library file. Again, read about this on the other help screens associated with this editor. [ Press ENTER ] [ Editing Help ] [ Page 2 of 2 ] If you list the test names and then change your mind and do not want to load a test, press ESC. After a test has loaded and you have finished editing, press ESC. Then choose to save your edited test, y/n. Finally, press ESC to quit. A sample question showing the proper line spacing follows. The numbers in the left margin are only to help illustrate the concept. 1 the question number & By loading 2 information used by TestNet a test 3 into the 4 editor, you 5 this space is for forming the question, lines will clearly 6 3 to 8. see the 7 spacing per 8 question. 9 two lines for a possible tutorial response 10 two lines for a possible tutorial response 11 the answer One Moment Whoa! You didn't type an answer. Do It Now. # TestNet Test Name: After this, you will be shown two more screens. Average: They show you how High Score: many times each Low Score: question was Standard Deviation: missed. Range Between High and Low: Use the PRINT SCREEN key to print the results if desired. Press ENTER ENTER = continue n = new class ESC = Quit This test requires your identifica- tion number. But first, pick the class for which you are registered and for which the the test is required. [ Press ESC to Cancel ] Type your ID number. Type 4 numbers. You may not be authorized to take this test. Did you pick the right test and class? Check with your teacher if needed. [ Press ENTER ] TestNet Next Type the class period or hour for which this test is required. For example, 10, 11 ,12, 1, 2, etc. Which hour RDeletes a cla Are you sure? Make Selection or ESC to Cancel Which class do you want? Make selection and press ENTER ESC to cancel. [ TestNet: Class Name Editor ] DON'T DELETE THE QUOTE MARKS OR COMMAS unless you delete the whole line. / ESC - to Quit / PgUp - jumps one screen / PgDn - jumps one screen / End - end of line / Home - beginning of line / Ctrl y - deletes a line / Ins - insert or overwrite / Ctrl t - deletes one word / Use the arrow keys ( / move up and down or use / your mouse. TestNet Press Letter M ore Editing ! to Quit Save Changes? TestNet You have selected a test that requires an ID number, but no ID number files have been created. You can: 1. Create an ID file or 2. Reconfigure the test so that no ID is required. ! Press ENTER [ Press ENTER ] The ID number will be four digits. Use zeros if necessary. Press ENTER Combine Again? Which additional test do you want? Make selection and press ENTER ESC to cancel. [ TestNet: Combine Tests ] This program can Your newly created create test banks of test, approximately 175 has questions. You have reached the A computer with 640K limit for combining of memory is limited questions. in its string space. Actually, a large If you get error 14, test bank can become shorten your test. difficult to manage. Press ENTER No file has been created. Help for LIB.BAS Use EDITOR to Change Default Dir for Your Test Storage The LIB.BAS file saves information about the location of your storage bin, that is, the directory which stores all of your tests OR all of the department's tests. "H:\APPS\TNET\USERS\ALLEN\STORAGE","H:\APPS\TNET\USERS\ALLEN","*.*","*.*" The first path The second path The last two defines the default defines the default items allow directory for the directory for the masks for each first window. second window. directory. Let this directory Let this directory You don't need to be the teacher's be the teacher's change these items. storage area. working files. What is a mask? It allows a user to define which files will show in the left or right directory windows. For example, if the first mask (*.*) were changed to *.tst, then only the files with a tst extension would show in the first window. If the second mask (*.*) were changed to *.num, then only the files with a num extension would show in the second window. But leave the default mask as show, that is, *.* 8dow. But leave the default mask as show, that is *.* [ TestNet Num Fix Utility ] This utility allows the users to Which test do update tests you want? created by any earlier Make selection versions of and press ENTER Test Maker. ESC to cancel. This utility updates information in the num files. TestNet The test, has been updated. Do you want to update another file? Y/N Time Allowed: Finish By: Current Time: TestNet This has been a timed test and your time is now up. You were allowed minutes for this test. ! Press ENTER Help for LIB.BAS The windows that are referred to on the previous screen are seen when you use the Options Menu and choose the selection which allows one to move tests from the storage bin. H:\apps % SET UP TESTNET ' WITH A SIMILAR WordPerfect DIRECTORY Lotus STRUCTURE. TestNet Users Storage ) Ray Storage Storage [ Error Message ] We have an error message, PATH NOT FOUND, number 76. This error comes if incorrect information is found in the file, DRIVE.BAS A typical DRIVE.BAS file looks like this. "H:\APPS\TESTNET\","1","teacher" The first information, H:\APPS\TESTNET, tells the program where to look for the EXE files. This information can be written to the DRIVE.BAS file by using TSTART.EXE The next item, a "1", tells the program to run in monochrom. A "2" tells the program to run in color. Use the Options Menu to change the color setting. The word "teacher" is a flag used to control student or teacher access to the menu choices. [ Error Message ] We have an error because the disk from which you are trying to write is WRITE PROTECTED. Check your disk and try again. On the small 3 inch disk, turn the disk over and look at the right-bottom corner of the disk. A small square can be slid up and down. If the square is in one position (towards the edge of the disk, WRITE PROTECTION is turned on. Also you will see a square hole in the right-bottom corner. Press the square up towards the center of the disk to correct this problem. On a 5 inch disk, a tab may have been placed over the WRITE PROTECT notch. Remove the tape and this should correct the problem. TestNet This test is set for DRILL MODE. If you want to drill, make that choice on the Take Test Menu. If your teacher thinks this test is set for TEST MODE, tell you teacher now about the current setting. ! Press ENTER TestNet Rank according to which field? Press letter. S cores N ames C lass D ate ! to Quit TestNet These figures are valid only if all the Q's were given. Handles 200 questions or less. " Press ENTER TestNet Documentation READ ME (Page 2 of 13) 5. An editor allows easy editing of an existing test, of student names and and numbers, and a few other files used by TestNet. 6. If the test is set for Drill Mode, questions keep returning at the end of the test until they are answered correctly. 7. If the test is set for Test Mode, the questions do not appear again unless the student places that question on hold. 8. A tutorial response can be shown if the student's answer is wrong. 9. Missed questions can be reviewed at the end of the test. 10. All tests are scored immediately and the scores and students' names are saved. 11. Two password systems allow protections: a. for all menu choices except taking a computer test b. for taking a computer administered test. Each test can have its own password. On a network, each teacher has his or her own passwords. 12. All features are quickly available with pulldown menus. Thus, it is easy to remember how to use the program. 13. Test results can be printed to the screen or to a printer. 14. Questions and answers can be reviewed on the screen by the teacher. f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page TestNet Documentation READ ME (Page 3 of 13) 15. Questions can be printed and grouped according to: true/false, multiple choice, and completion. 16. Questions can be printed with the user picking only selected questions from the data base. 17. Questions can be printed sequentially, just as they appear in the data base. 18. An answer sheet always accompanies each printed test. 19. Users can select either color or monochrome depending on the type of monitor. 20. An evaluation of the test gives the following information: a. how many students took the test b. the average (mean) score c. the high and low scores d. the range e. which questions were missed how many times f. the standard deviation 21. Copy test files from drive A: to the appropriate network directory. 22. Help screens support each general menu category. 23. Allow students to repeat the test. Y/N f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page TestNet Documentation READ ME (Page 4 of 13) 24. After selecting, Copy Tests From Storage Bin, the following tasks can be performed: a. format disks in any configuration b. sort directories according to file name, or extension, or date c. view text in either ASCII or HEX format d. two windows list files in two directories. This allows moving files from one directory to another. e. shows a directory tree of the disk 25. Tests can be configured in any combination of the following ways. These setting remain until changed by the teacher. a. Test or Drill Mode - T or D b. Break Key Works - Yes or No c. Capitalization Required in Answers Yes or No d. Shows Tutorial Responses - Yes or No e. Missed Questions Can Be Reviewed - Yes or No f. Ouestions Presented Randomly or Sequentially g. To Test a Student ID Is Required - Yes or No h. Change How Many Questions Are Presented Per Test i. Timed Test How Many Minutes - Yes or No f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page TestNet Documentation READ ME (Page 5 of 13) 26. The teacher can require exact answer for completion questions - Y/N For completion questions, the teacher can enter several words. If the students type any one of the words entered by the teacher, the question will be counted right if this option is turned on. 27. A slide show demo helps orient new students and teachers. 28. TestNet automatically updates old test files created by earlier versions of TMaker and TestMaker. Running TestNet From a Single Disk in Drive A:> Although TestNet is designed for networking, this software can run well on a high density floppy disk or on a hard drive. ON A FLOPPY - Copy all the files to a high density disk. Then type TSTART and press ENTER. Follow the on-screen directions. On a single floppy running from the A: drive, you would type a:\ Then type TNET each time you want to start the program. WHEN YOU COPY FILES FROM THE ORIGINAL DISK TO A WORKING COPY, BE SURE TO GET ALL THE FILES ON YOUR ORIGINAL DISK. f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page = Print Page TestNet Documentation READ ME (Page 6 of 13) Running TestNet On a Hard Drive Create a subdirectory called, TESTNET. Log on to TESTNET and copy all of the files on the TestNet disk in drive A: to this directory. Note that the TestNet disk in drive A: may have a subdirectory entitled, USERS. If it does, be sure to copy these file too. Type TSTART and press ENTER. Type in the location where you have just copied the TestNet files. For example, type: C:\TESTNET\ Type TNET each time you want to start TestNet. Running TestNet on a Novell Network 1. First prepare your directory structure. Follow this example. Under H:\APPS, create a subdirectory, TESTNET. For example, H:\APPS\TESTNET Under TESTNET create two subdirectories, TESTBANK and USERS. For example, H:\APPS\TESTNET\TESTBANK and H:\APPS\TESTNET\USERS f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page TestNet Documentation READ ME (Page 7 of 13) Setting Up On a Novell Network Under USERS, create a subdirectory for each teacher that uses TestNet. The TESTBANK subdirectory will be for all the department's test that teachers are willing to share. Let us assume the name of the first teacher is Ray. Under USERS, create a subdirectory, RAY. For example, H:\APPS\TESTNET\USERS\RAY. Under RAY, create a subdirectory, STORAGE, a second test storage area. This will provide a storage bank for Ray's personal tests as opposed to the other directory (TESTBANK) which stores tests which any teacher can use. As Ray creates tests, he will save these tests in his personal storage direc- tory. As he needs a test, he will use TestNet to copy this test from: H:\APPS\TESTNET\USERS\RAY\STORAGE to H:\APPS\TESTNET\USERS\RAY. With a few keystrokes TestNet copies test from a teacher's storage area to a teacher's personal directory. You access this feature through the OPTIONS MENU. We have another teacher, Susan, so we follow the same pattern we used for f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page TestNet Documentation READ ME (Page 8 of 13) Setting Up On a Novell Network Ray and create more subdirectories. For example, H:\APPS\TESTNET\SUSAN and H:\APPS\TESTNET\SUSAN\STORAGE Where to Copy Files Copy the files listed below from your disk in drive A: to H:\APPS\TESTNET statsnet.exe nummiss.exe editnet.exe tdemo.slb numfix.exe tnet.exe edssnet.exe addqnet.exe creatnet.exe tdemonet.exe ssnet.exe mainmod.slb storage.exe copynet.exe printnet.exe Copy the following files onto EACH teacher's subdirectory. For example, copy to: H:\APPS\TESTNET\USERS\RAY brun45.exe drive.bas tshell.exe verb.bas lib.bas tstart.ext Before you copy file to the second teacher's subdirectory, do the following: f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page TestNet Documentation READ ME (Page 9 of 13) Setting Up On a Novell Network We need to modify the file, DRIVE.BAS. Assuming you have set up the directories as suggested, log to this directory: H:\APPS\TESTNET\USERS\RAY Type TSTART and press ENTER. You will be asked for the path where the EXE files, commonly shared by all the teachers, are located, that is, H:\APPS\TESTNET. If you have put these files in another directory, type the path name now. Otherwise, type the directory path shown above. BE SURE TO USE A BACKSLASH (\) AT THE END OF THE PATH NAME. This information is saved in the file, DRIVE.BAS. This information will be the same for EACH teacher on the network. There are two other files, LIB.BAS and VERB.BAS that contain information peculiar to each teacher. If the teacher chooses to use one, the file, VERB.BAS, will contain a password. The file, LIB.BAS, contains the paths for two directories: (1) the teacher's working directory, for example, H:\APPS\TESTNET\USERS\RAY and the teacher's personal storage directory, f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page TestNet Documentation READ ME (Page 10 of 13) Setting Up On a Novell Network H:\APPS\TESTNET\USERS\RAY\STORAGE. Once each teacher can run TestNet, the LIB.BAS and VERB.BAS files should be modified from within TestNet using the Edit Menu. VERB.BAS can also be modified using the Options Menu. Once you have modified the file, DRIVE.BAS, you may copy the six files in the directory, H:\APPS\TESTNET\USERS\RAY, to EACH teacher's directory. For example, log to the directory, H:\APPS\TESTNET\USERS\RAY, and type: COPY *.* H:\APPS\TESTNET\USERS\SUSAN Trustee Rights After directories have been created and files copied, next define trustee rights for two groups, for example, TEACHERS and STUDENTS. Using SYSCON and logging in as Supervisor or as an equivalent, choose Group Information. Next pick the group that contains the students. Set the rights as follows: SYS:APPS\TESTNET SYS:APPS\TESTNET\TESTBANK SYS:APPS\TESTNET\USERS RWCEMF SYS:APPS\TESTNET\USERS\RAY\STORAGE SYS:APPS\TESTNET\USERS\SUSAN\STORAGE f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page TestNet Documentation READ ME (Page 11 of 13) Setting Up On a Novell Network For each teacher that uses TestNet, you need to mark the storage subdirec- tories as F. Otherwise, because of the rights that are needed and granted for the TESTNET\USERS directory, the STORAGE subdirectories will inherit the rights of TESTNET\USERS. Now set the trustee rights for the group TEACHERS as follows: SYS:APPS\TESTNET RWCEMF Both subdirectories, USERS and TESTBANK, will inherit the rights of the TESTNET directory. While in SYSCON as supervisor or as an equivalent, load User Information. Pick the appropriate user name for the teacher station and press ENTER. Then pick Group Belongs To and press the INSERT key. Select TEACHERS and press ENTER. (Of course, your group may not be TEACHERS.) Protecting the Password File, VERB.BAS When working in the TestNet environment, TestNet can password protect files from students. But some students may shell to DOS from an application program and then read the file, VERB.BAS. This file contains your password. f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page TestNet Documentation READ ME (Page 12 of 13) Setting Up On a Novell Network Suppose you change the file attributes and hide VERB.BAS. Yet a student could use NDIR to find the names of any hidden files on the directory. Once the name of the file is know, the student could use the DOS TYPE command and read the contents of VERB.BAS. But this can be forever prevented. NetWare provides protection so that students will never see VERB.BAS. Note. If you forget the name of your password, use the DOS TYPE command to read the file. You can do this because you know the name of the file, VERB.BAS but students do not. Now, follow this procedure: Load SYSCON as Supervisor or as an equivalent. Choose Group Information. Pick the group that contains the students. Choose Trustee File Assignments. For each teacher's directory, an assignment must be made. Press the INSERT key and type the first teacher's directory. For example, SYS:APPS\TESTNET\USERS\RAY. Press ENTER after typing the directory. Next, type VERB.BAS and press ENTER. You must allow only the F right. (F = file scan) f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page e just removed the F (file scan) right and left only the R right. ENTER = Next Screen ESC = End Help SHIFT/PrtScr = Print Page TestNet Documentation READ ME (Page 13 of 13) Editing the Login Script for Printing on a Network While you are logged onto the network, TestNet can print test scores either on the screen or to a printer. However, to print to a printer, the following information must be placed in each teacher's login script: #CAPTURE LPT2 S=ENG_1 Q=DFX5000_422 NFF NB AU Substitute LPT1 for LPT2 if you want files to print in the lab. Use LPT2 if you log in from your office and want to print with your office printer. Substitute the name of your server for ENG_1. Substitute the name of your lab printer for DFX5000_422 Using Novell's PURGE command TestNet creates and deletes files as it processes information. These files have extensions: tmp, ans, scr. The network supervisor should occasionally purge these files. f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page URGE *.ans, PURGE *.scr f = forward b = back ESC = Quit PrtScr = Print Page TestNet Parse Utility We will convert an administrator's file to a TestNet file. These files contain student names and numbers. [ Press ENTER ] 2. Demonstration software which shows advanced test management features. Purchase fees are explained on the next screen. " Press ENTER [ Press ENTER ] TestNet Too few samples; therefore, your data will be incomplete. " Press ENTER Press ENTER Calculating TestNet We have an error, number 52. Are these files, associated with the current test name, available? *.idx *.sc *.num " Press ENTER TestNet Parse Utility With a slight exception, the name of your new class will be the same as the file which you receive from the administration office. Your new file name will start with ! For example, B255.1 will become !B255.1 Put disk in drive A: [ Press ENTER ] TestNet - (c) 1993 Allen Hackworth Select S or T Student Teacher ! to Quit Hello Students: Press T and ENTER to start. Press Q and ENTER to quit. [ Drill Mode ] Use the arrow key to make your selection and then press ENTER. ESC to Cancel 0Type Pa words can be any combination of words, numbers, or both. words are case sensitive. No Way Jose! TestNet Search his what you want? If yes, PageDown to this row: If no, tap F1 twice to continue. Tap ESC twice to quit early. to view screen to stop viewing [ No z to hold with graphics ] GNo Files Available TestNet Parse Utility Pick the file from the administration office which TestNet will convert. Put disk in drive A: Make selection and press ENTER. [ ESC to Cancel ] [ Edit Keys ] PgDn - jumps question - to end of line Ctrl - jumps one word Home - beginning of line Ctrl Home - jumps to top Ctrl y - deletes a line Ctrl End - jumps to bottom Ctrl t - deletes a word - to quit - insert/overwrite Use the down arrow key to select the appropriate test and press ENTER. Press Esc to cancel. No match found. Press ENTER. No file are available. Press ENTER to continue. # key 1 t ans Is this what you want? If yes, PageDown to row F1 twice to continue. ESC twice to quit early. Enter the text for which you wish to search: [ ENTER to Cancel ] Press ENTER [ CREATE TEST ] to continue. ] Create a graphic associated with this question using a screen editor of your choice. Save the graphic in a PCX format. Name the graphic file associated with this question as shown in the box next to the blinking arrow. THIS IS A MUST. If you forget the above file name, this information can be reviewed easily with the TestNet editor. Graphic screens are named in this manner: TESTNAME+Qnumber.PCX. For example, if my test name were CLAUSE, my first graphic would be CLAUS001.PCX. The last three spaces are reserved for the question numbers, for example, 001, 002, 003, etc. [ CREATE TEST ] ] What type of question will be associated with the graphic screen? [ Press Letter ] m = Multi/Choice [ t = True/False c = Completion Press ENTER to load/unload graph. Press C to continue or to skip graph. TestNet A REMINDER: THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE ONLY IF YOU USE PCX FILES. When you create a new test from an existing test, or if you combine two or more tests, and if your test has graphics, you must rename each of your PCX files to match the name/number of your new test questions. For example, if the existing test is PRINTER.TST, and if this test uses a PCX graphic for ques- tion 12 called, PRINT012.PCX, and if the new test is called BARNEY.TST, and if this test uses the same PCX file in ques- tion 12, you would rename the PCX file like this: Old PCX name - PRINT012.PCX New PCX name - BARNE012.PCX The PCX name comes from the test name and the question number. [ Press ENTER ] TestNet TestNet This test is NOT set for drill mode. Your teacher must use the Options Menu, Configure Test, to turn on this feature. Talk to your teacher. [ Press ENTER ] TestNet The test you have requested is configured to require a students number. However, before this can happen, the teacher must use the CREATE menu to set up the classs with the students' names and ID numbers. At this point, no such class has been created. The teacher must either: 1. create the class name/number file 2. re-configure this test to NOT require a student ID number. (Options Menu) [ Press ENTER ] Files Available ENTER TestNet Help OPTIONS (Page 3 of 3) COPY TESTS FROM YOUR STORAGE BIN On a network each teacher has a directory which is protected from student access. Keep tests here until they are needed. Once a test is needed, use this option to move the appropriate TST and NUM files to a teacher's active directory. The paths for these two directories are are contained in a file called LIB.BAS. The LIB.BAS file resides in each teacher's active directory. MOVE SCORES TO NEWGRADE Once scores are available, they can easily be move to a teacher's NEWGRADE directory. Once the scores have been moved they can be moved into the teacher's grade sheets. NewGrade is a companion to TestNet. The two programs save teacher's much work and time. NewGrade manages student scores and calculates final grades. It is powerful and has many features. ENTER = End Help ESC = End Help TestNet You first select the test from which the questions will be selected. Choices are shown in the box on the left. AFFIX.TST You may create ALLEYOOP.TST a test from an CAPS-A.TST existing data CASE-A.TST base. CLAUSES.TST CLAUSESS.TST Which data base COMPLX-A.TST do you want? FINAL.TST GRM2.TST GRMTEST.TST ESC to Cancel Whoa Hombre! Did you read the message? DON'T REPEAT THIS TEST! [ Press ENTER ] No questions were missed. You have nothing to review. TestNet Parse Utility Work completed. Do you want to create another file? Press y/n TestNet Parse Utility Work NOT completed. Do you want to try again? Press y/n 123) 125T" 128=+ 129n- 130|/ 131(1 147^r 151_x 154k{